Whatever your bond need, Foster Insurance Agency has the surety bond experience you will need.
Commercial Surety Bonds
Commercial surety focuses on developing and maintaining long-term partnerships with brokers and accounts by applying a common sense approach when fulfilling the surety needs of our client accounts. Provides up to $75 million in bonding capacity to public and private companies operating across a diverse group of industries. Willing to share larger accounts with other sureties and offers a flexible rating plan.
Contract Surety Bonds
Contract surety supports experienced small and medium sized contractors for their performance and payment bond needs. Offering a flexible rating plan and automated solutions for easier issuance of bonds, riders, letters, reports and statements for the contractors’ ancillary bond needs. Contract bonds are fully automated including application selection, underwriting authority, bond issuance and bond submission.
Miscellaneous Surety Bonds
Miscellaneous surety writes license and permit bonds, judicial bonds, public official bonds, fidelity and smaller contract bonds. Miscellaneous surety provides direct billing, reduced paper work, competitive rates, and a fully automated issuance and simplified underwriting of bonds including application selection, underwriting authority, bond issuance, rating and bond submission.